“What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you, so that you may share life with us.” 1 John 1:3



St. John the Evangelist Parish is a Catholic community that ministers to the Church with faith, hope and love.

We are gathered in communion and are sustained through the celebration of the Eucharist. We strive to provide unending spiritual support through our Ministries that give assistance in both the religious and social realms. We are alive in our faith through spiritually nurturing our youth, families, the elderly and singles, while giving hope to those outside our parish with financial, spiritual and material needs.

Our desire is to serve God through Christ and the Holy Spirit, which brings us wisdom and faith, while also building a prayerful parish community through devotion to Our Lord, through Eucharistic Adoration, the Rosary and many other spiritual activities.

We welcome everyone who desires to strengthen their faith, or perhaps is returning to the Church after a long sabbatical. We have many who volunteer their time to assure that the faith is continued for future generations in religious education. We thank them for their dedication and pray as a community for every hour that they give to bring Christ to the world.

We also pray for our parents, grandparents and single parishioners who stand strong in supporting our faith. We long for the community to reach out to others, by bringing faith and hope into their lives. We also yearn for the return of many to the Church in full Communion, to experience the faithful Church, which has been and always will be forever until Christ comes again in glory.

Please come and join us. It would be wonderful to see new parishioners fully experience the faith of your fathers and mothers to pass on to future generations. Perhaps, as a result, we would be blessed to have you welcomed as a new parishioner to St. John the Evangelist.

If you are a Catholic, are new to Lower Makefield and would like to register to be a parishioner at Saint John the Evangelist Parish, please know you are most welcome. To register, call the Parish Office at 215-295-4102.

If you would like to become a Catholic or are interested in learning more about Catholicism, Saint John the Evangelist Parish welcomes you and will help you on your spiritual journey. For more information, please contact the parish office, 215-295-4102.

We look forward to having you become a part of our vibrant parish family.

©2021 St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Lower Makefield, PA 19067