Even if you can’t make the Christmas Bazaar 2021 event, you can still support our vendors!
Thomas Burke
-Humankind Water, Iced teas, & Lemonades
Contact Information: tfburkejr@gmail.com
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart
-Handmade Christmas Ornaments by Natives of Uganda, Kenya, Peru and Nepal. Profits Benefit Orphans in Different Parts of the World
-El Salvador Items (Hand Painted)
Contact Information: mhchalky@gmail.com
St. John’s Loving Hands
-Delicious Cookies, Breads, and Other Food Items Along With Crocheted and Hand Sewn Items, Christmas Ornaments and Decorations, Plants, Pet Items and Gift Baskets
Contact Information: socialconcerns@stjohnpa.org
Rick Horn “Built By Big Rick”
-Woodworking Items
Contact Information: ricschillinger@hotmail.com, www.etsy.com/shop/builtbybigrick
Instagram: BuiltByBigRick
Maria Shadle
-Youth Ministry Fritz’s Sticky Bun Sale
-Maria’s personalized handcrafted items
Contact Information: youthministries@stjohnpa.org
Kerry Hazussler
-Crocheted Baskets, Planters, Ornaments, etc.
Contact Information: Kerryannharris@gmail.com
Diana L Pabers
-Home Sewn Potholders, Bowl Cozies, Table Runners, Napkins, Placemats and Aprons
Contact Information: Chumly1291@gmail.com
Anne Howard
-Crocheted Items
Contact Information: Annemhoward16@gmail.com
Rosemary Rose
-Crocheted Towels, Placemats, Hot Pads, Plastic Bag Holders, Gnomes, and Snowmen
Contact Information: Rrose@marshallindtech.com
Diana Chuff
-Woodcrafts, Cutting Boards, Lazy Susan, Serving Platter, Handcrafted Variety of Beautiful Wood Colors
Contact Information: DLCHUFF@gmail.com
Martha Marchat
-Hand Knitted Items
Todd Farmer “First Flight Creations”
-Home Decor Items, Birdhouses, Christmas Trees
Contact Information: Torifa@verizon.net
Carolyn Anne Arias
-Hand Crocheted Items, Varied, Original Designs
Contact Information: Sinatra2k@comcast.net
Joyce Folda
-Porch Signs, Snowmen
Contact Information: seanevan241@gmail.com
Barbara Shade
-Crocheted Items, Blankets, Hats, Fabric Bowl Cozies, Napkin Holders
Contact Information: Barbjshade@gmail.com
Catherine Maestrale
-“31” Independent Consultant
Contact Information: www.mythirtyone.com/cmaestrale
Sandy Flynn
-2 Sizes of Wooden Handmade Snowmen
Contact Information: sp15@comcast.net
Donna Becker
-Chalk Couture Home Decor
Contact Information: Donnabchalkart@gmail.com
Edie Remolde/Jeanne Marchione
-Pillows, Fabric Wreaths, Sewing Crafts
Contact Information: Edieremolde@verizon.net
Kathryn Chapman/ Mary Graves
-Table Runners, Pillows, Eyeglass Cases, Etc.
Contact Information: Kgchapman3@gmail.com
Sharon Smith
-Crochet Items
Contact Information: Sharon.smith91@aol.com
Nancy Klenman
-Pampered Chef Kitchen Pantry Items, Cookware, Bakeware, Cutlery, Stoneware, Kitchen Tools, Entertaining Tools
Contact Information: Nbkleinman@gmail.com
Angela Watters
Contact Information: Angelawatters6@gmail.com
Kelly Curran
-Author of “Santa’s Missing Reindeer”
Contact Information: https://www.santasmissingreindeer.com
Jewelry by Angela
-Paper Earrings/ Jewelry By Angela
Contact Information: http://www.paperphan.com
Joan Scott “Joans Gems and Jewels”
-Hand Crafted Jewelry of Stone, Glass and Clay
Contact Information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/492208820954736/
Bob Hauben “Stained Glass Creations”
-Christmas Ornaments, Nightlights, Plant Pin, Cheese Boards
Contact Information: Bushkie40@comcast.net
Renee Thompson with BSA Troop 46
-Hand Decorated Christmas Door Wreaths, Wooden Snowmen and Wood Reindeer
Contact Information: Rthompson@fallstwp.com
Colleen Stough
-Fresh wreaths and swags
Contact Information: stowaway157@gmail.com
Michelle Spadaccino
-Soy candles
Contact Information: BarclayMountainCandles@gmail.com
Brian McHale
-Candles and jewelry
Heidi Seeman
-Beaded hand woven jewelry using fire polished crystals and Japanese sea beads
Contact Information: noelliage@verizon.net
Kathleen Hauf
-Fireplace and firepit gift baskets
Contact Information: kathleenhauf@yahoo.com